SAFARI V-Spec Snorkel to suit Nissan Patrol - SS62HF
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Item No. SPO8922223
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Safari Snorkel to suit Nissan Patrol Y62. Does Not Fit Series 5 Model. By rotating the air ram to face away from the prevailing wind/direction of motion, the air ram delivers additional protection from the elements. Safari Snorkel Kit V-SPEC. SAFARI ADVISES THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CONFIRMED FOR SERIES 5 FACELIFT MODEL - SAFARI BULLETIN GAB26119.
- Suits Nissan Patrol Y62 02/2010 - 04/2019 (Does not suit Series 5)
- Manufactured in Australia from Safari™s own Industrial Spec UV Stabilised Polyethylene
- The Air Ram removes maximum water from the incoming air stream, while delivering maximum airflow