Rislone Radiator Stop Leak Tablets 50g Pack
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Item No. 681095
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Rislone Radiator Stop Leak Tablets safely seal radiator leaks and seepage, helping to control electrolysis, lubricating the water pump and inhibiting rust and corrosion. Harmless to all plastic, metals, aluminium, hoses and connections, these quick dissoliving tablets will get you back up in running in 20 minutes.
Radiator Stop Leak Tablet work with all types and colours of antifreeze/coolant including conventional, extended life, waterless and even straight water. No draining of the system is required, however, if the system is dirty or partially clogged a flush is recommended before use.
- Seals leaks and seepage in radiators and cooling system of vehicles
- Works with all types and colours of antifreeze/coolant
- Lubricates water pump seal to maintain longevity
- Inhibits rust and corrosion to prevent further damage
- Safe on all plastic, metal, almuminium, hoses and connectors in the cooling system
- Quick dissolving tablets
- One package treats systems up to 15L
- Use one tablet per 3L of cooling system capacity