Permapoxy Epoxy - General Purpose, 5 Minute, 25mL
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Item No. 129942
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Product Info
Permatex Permapoxy 5 Minute General Purpose Epoxy is a versatile and easy-to-use two-part adhesive and filler system that eliminates the need for welding and brazing and is non-shrinking. When applying this dark grey epoxy, it will set in four minutes with no clamping required and, once firm, has a permanent strength of 4500 psi.
Where can you use it?
This General Purpose Epoxy is ideal for complex, multi-piece assembles and can be used with rigid materials such as chrome, fibreglass, ceramic, fabric, glass, hard plastic, rubber, and metal. It has a temperature range of -51°C to 149°C and is resistant to water and solvents.
- General purpose epoxy is two-part adhesive/filler system, eliminates the need for welding or brazing
- Sets in five minutes, no clamping needed
- Clear appearance
- Fills gaps & will not shrink
- Resistant to water & solvents
- Temperature range -60°F to 180°F (-51°C to 82°C)
- Permanent strength up to 3400 PSI
- Easy to use