Penrite DPF Cleaner P26 400mL
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Item No. 646264
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Penrite DPF Cleaner is an easy to use, professional strength, foaming, workshop grade Diesel Particulate Filter cleaner that effectively cleans and loosens carbon and ash deposits in a DPF. This cleaner penetrates into the pores of the honeycomb structure of a DPF to help reduce engine particle matter and improve diesel fuel combustion. This in turn helps improve fuel economy, engine efficiency and maximise the life of the DPF.
- Cleans DPFs without the need for total dismantling
- Extends the life of DPFs
- Restores engine performance and the capacity of the DPF
- Metal free and does not leave any residue after evaporation
- Resolves DPF clogging and the associated symptoms like increased fuel consumption and power loss