Penrite Diesel Injector Cleaner 375mL
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Item No. 562711
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Clean and protect your diesel fuel system with Penrite Diesel Injector Cleaner. Advanced technology cleaning additives remove build-up and deposits from fuel system components and increasing performance and economy and reducing exhaust smoke and emissions. Added lubricants maintain fuel system components including pumps and injectors while protecting them from corrosion that can cause premature wear. Penrite Diesel Injector Cleaner also conditions diesel and promotes combustion performance to increase power output and economy. One bottle of Penrite Diesel Injector Cleaner treats up to 200L of fuel.
- 375mL
- Can improve fuel economy by up to 2.5%
- Cleans blocked injectors & reduces nozzle blockages
- Restores acceleration & power
- Reduces exhaust emissions
- Easier starting, smoother idling
- Maintains fuel economy by using an advanced detergent additive
- Prevents engine detonation damage
- Extends life of fuel pump & injector systems
- Safe for SCR / EGR systems as well as diesel particulate filters (DPF)