Nulon E20 Modern Engine Treatment - 300mL
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Item No. 1394
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Provide extra protection against cold-start wear and everyday driving with Nulon Engine Anti-Wear Treatment. Formulated with PTFE, Nulon Engine Anti-Wear Treatment provides a protective barrier between moving parts to offer excellent protection from friction and wear especially during cold-starts and start stop driving. Perfect for all modern technology, performance and turbo-charged engines, it is designed to increase engine performance and economy while also extending the life of new engines and components. Easy to use, simply add 1 bottle for up to 6 litres of engine oil at every oil change. Nulon Engine Anti-Wear Treatment is suitable for use with all petrol, diesel and LPG engines and is safe to mix with all oil types including mineral, semi-synthetic and full synthetic blends.
- Reduces friction and wear
- Provides cold-start protection
- Extends new engine life
- Reduces maintenance costs