Nulon E10 Worn Engine Treatment - 300mL
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Item No. 1393
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Help revive older, warn out engines with Nulon Worn Engine Repair. Formulated with PTFE, Nulon Worn Engine Repair provides a protective barrier between moving parts to offer excellent protection from friction and wear. It also contains additives to reduce oil consumption, increase cylinder compression and reduce noise for smoother running engine. Easy to use, simply add 1 bottle for up to 6 litres of engine oil at every oil change. Nulon Worn Engine Repair is suitable for use with all petrol, diesel and LPG engines and is safe to mix with all oil types including mineral, semi-synthetic and full synthetic blends.
- 300mL
- Fights friction & wear in worn engines
- It helps extend the life of worn petrol, diesel or LPG engines
- Creates a protective shield between all friction surfaces, minimising the effects of existing wear
- Helps reduce further wear