Meguiar's Air Re-Fresher - New Car, 57g
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Item No. 357922
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Product Info
Rather than simply mask unwanted odours, the mist from Meguiar's Air Re-Fresher finds and neutralizes the odour molecules in your car's air conditioner vents, roof liner, under seats and all other hard-to-reach areas by using your car's A/C recirculation system all while leaving a pleasant, fresh scent in its place. Also available in Citrus Grove.
How easy is it to use?
An easy-to-use, single-use odour remover that neutralises the toughest odours throughout the entire interior. With the engine running, A/C set to recirculate and fan on high, depress the locking trigger. Then close the doors and allow Air-Refresher to go to work for approximately 15 minutes. It's that easy.
- Odour eliminating technology targets the source of the smell
- Treats air conditioner systems, roof liners, under seats etc
- Leaves the inside of the car with a fresh ‘new-car’ scent