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Fantastic Stickers Computer Cut Black Vinyl - Celtric Tattoo Design - B-TDCV-CE1
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Item No. SPO10200039
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Product Info
The computer cut black vinyl decal features a celtic tattoo repeating design. Packet includes 2 decals which can be applied next to each other, giving approximately 638mm length. More lengths can be added by purchasing multiple packets and applying each segment next to each other. It is easy to apply as it comes with pre-masked application tape, which keeps everything in their correct position and spacing while installing. Simply remove the clear tape after application. We recommend dry applying.
- Pre-cut and weeded to design
- No curling or lifting
- Easy to apply - professional results
- Removes cleanly within a year
- Commercial grade outdoor signage vinyl
- Pre-masked with application tape
- 136mm x 319mm
- Repeating design
- Suitable for windows and painted panels