DynaGrip Permanent Bearinglocker 10mL 10609
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Item No. 656179
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DynaGrip Permanent Bearinglocker is a high-strength threadlocker that fills gaps up to 0.12mm around bearing housings and is suited to protecting against loosening. If you need to prevent loosening, leakage, and corrosion in bearings, this bearing-locking fluid is the solution.
Dynagrip Bearinglocker has an effective temperature range of -59°C to 204°C and is resistant to fluids including water, oil, transmission fluid, glycol products, and mild acids. It is resistant to shocks and vibrations with a break-away torque range between 11.29 to 28.24 N-m to provide a more secure fitting that is fixture tight in minutes.
- Fills gaps up to 0.12mm around bearing housings protecting against loosening
- Resistant to oil, water, transmission fluids, glycol products and mild acids
- Works within a temperature range of -59°C to 204°C
- Break-away torque of 11.29 - 28.24 N-m
- Fixture tight in minutes