Alemlube Automotive Coolant Exchanger AA47042AN
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Item No. SPO8040440
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Product Info
Incorporating the latest technology in automotive coolant
exchange machines, the Alemlube Automotive AA47042AN
Coolant Exchanger extracts and replaces coolant from a
vehicle’s radiator, engine block and heater core in less than
five minutes.
New coolant from the 22 litre capacity coolant tank is
transferred into the vehicle’s radiator through the supply hose
and once the radiator is full, the supply valve can be closed
and the air line shut off. In addition to the coolant changing
function, the AA47042AN can also be utilised to flush a
radiator system and to conduct pressure/vacuum tests.
Completely maintenance free, the AA47042AN prevents air
pockets from forming during the coolant changing process
and has no pumps or moving parts. This fact results in lower
maintenance costs, less machine down time and no need for
a 240V power supply.
exchange machines, the Alemlube Automotive AA47042AN
Coolant Exchanger extracts and replaces coolant from a
vehicle’s radiator, engine block and heater core in less than
five minutes.
New coolant from the 22 litre capacity coolant tank is
transferred into the vehicle’s radiator through the supply hose
and once the radiator is full, the supply valve can be closed
and the air line shut off. In addition to the coolant changing
function, the AA47042AN can also be utilised to flush a
radiator system and to conduct pressure/vacuum tests.
Completely maintenance free, the AA47042AN prevents air
pockets from forming during the coolant changing process
and has no pumps or moving parts. This fact results in lower
maintenance costs, less machine down time and no need for
a 240V power supply.
- Please note pricing does not include freight this is quoted by our Trade Team and is additional to the pricing displayed - Call our Trade Team now on 1300 787 570 to order!
- Completely exchanges radiator coolant in less than 5 minutes
- 2,000mm long inlet and outlet hoses
- New coolant tank capacity of 22 litres
- Waste coolant tank capacity of 22 litres
- Supplied with radiator adaptors to suit most vehicles
- Dimensions of 500mm (D) x 460mm (W) x 1,000mm (H)
- Weight of 60kg
- Manufactured in Korea
- No electrical power required