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1 Check Under The Bonnet

Under here you'll find a number of fluids that keep your car running smooth and efficient. Engine oil, brake fluid, clutch fluid, coolant and power steering fluid. Each of these has a level marker, so check and top these up where required, and don't forget the overflow bottle for your coolant. Choosing the correct fluid is important, and you can do this through the my garage feature on the Supercheap Auto website, or in store.

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2 Check Your Lights

Headlights, tail lights, brake lights, indicators, fog lights and more - all of your car’s lights are important. Therefore, it is a good idea to check that they work properly before hitting the road. Not only do they help you see your surroundings in poor lighting, but the various lights on your car help you remain visible to other motorists and pedestrians. Spend a few minutes walking around the vehicle checking each one, and have a friend press the brake pedal while you check the brake lights

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3 Check Your Windscreen Wipers

Don't wait for the first rain to check your windscreen wipers, they may let you down when you need them most! You should make a habit of checking your wipers and washer fluid regularly. Damaged, brittle or dirty wiper blades will make it almost impossible for your wipers to sweep away enough water or dirt to let you see clearly. Similarly, a lack of washer fluid, or washer jets that don’t spray fluid evenly onto your windscreen will mean that a dirty windscreen can become a real hazard .

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4 Check Your Tyre Tread, Pressure & Spare

Now onto tyres, one of your most important safety features. Worn tyres can cause your car to handle poorly - particularly in wet conditions. Look for the wear indicators set into the tread of each tyre. If the tread is worn to the same level; it's time to look for replacements. While you're checking your tread, also check your tyre pressure. The correct tyre pressure can be found in your owners manual and setting it right will provide better braking and handlign while reducing tyre wear. Don't forget to check your spare too!

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5 Check For Clues

Finally, try to get in tune with your vehicle. Recognising early warning signs can save you a lot of money, and the frustration of a breakdown! Keep an eye out for leaks when you park up, and don't ignore any unusual vibrations or sounds that develop. And last of all, never ignore a blinking engine light.

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