How to Create a Tube Flare
Flared tubing creates a mechanical seal between two surfaces, a method seen mostly on brake lines and gas fittings.
Creating your own flared tube is easier than you might think, with one of our tube flaring kits, the ToolPRO Double Flaring Tool Kit.
Here’s how to perform the test using a ToolPRO Double Flaring Tool Kit.
Ensure The Tube Is Cut Straight
Before creating your tube flare, ensure that the piece of tubing you intend to use is cut straight, deburred with a file - and not out of round. You can work with all soft metal tubing such as copper, brass and soft steel.
This tool can create a single, or a double flare.
Single Flare
For a single flare, hold the tube steady and fit it through the appropriate size hole in the screen bar, allowing a small amount of the tube to poke out of the top - to create the flare.
Tighten Down
Now tighten the wing nuts down to clamp the tube firmly, but not so much as to crush it.
Position the yoke over the screen bar with the cone central to the tube - and wind the handle of the yoke in. This will flare open the end of the tube, leaving you with a neat single flare.
Double Flare
For double flaring, the process is very similar. Select the adaptor which best suits the size of tube you are using. The button should fit snugly inside the tube.
Place the tube in the screen bar as before, but this time ensure the end protrudes as much as the height of the shoulder on your adaptor.
Clamp Tube
Clamp the tube firmly, place the adaptor on the tube with the button facing down; and operate the yoke until the tube crushes flat to the screen bar.
Position & Secure Yoke
For the second part in the double flaring process, use the yoke in the same manner as for a single flare – opening up the inside of the tube. The result will be a flared tube which is far stronger than a single flare.
With the ability to flare tubing, no project will be out of reach in your workshop.
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