How To Replace Wheel Bearings, Races & Seals
Replacing wheel bearings can become a painful job without the right tools.
The ToolPRO Bearing Race and Seal Driver kit will help you get the job done properly - without damaging your brand new parts.
Here's how it's done:
Prepare the Vehicle
Start by parking your vehicle, or in this case – trailer – on a level surface.
Jack up the wheel being worked on, support the axle using a rated stand – and remove the hubs by following a workshop manual.
Remove Bearing
The outer bearing should fall out easily, whereas the inner bearing will require the seal to first be removed - using a seal puller or a flathead screwdriver.
Clean the Hub
Once all of the bearings are out, give the hub a good clean - mount it firmly in a bench vice, and drive the old bearing races out using a punch.
Most hub assemblies have a relief cast into them, to allow the punch a proper purchase on the bearing race.
Clean Sourrounding Area
Before inserting the new race, clean the area up with a clean rag, and use a wire brush to remove any stubborn grime or corrosion.
Apply Grease
Apply a light film of fresh grease to the new races, to ensure they don’t bind up as they are inserted.
Find the Best Fit
There are 9 different sized collars in the Bearing Race and Seal Driver set, to suit most wheel bearing sizes.
Choosing the right one for the job is as simple as sliding a new bearing race over the tapered end of the collars - until you find the one with the best fit.
Fasten Bolt
Now remove the bolt from the end of the driver handle, place the collar onto the end – and fasten the bolt.
Position & Seat Bearing
Position the race on the hub, and hit the back of the handle with a hammer - to seat the bearing race all the way down into the hub.
The collars are constructed of 6061 aluminium, which is softer than the bearing race to prevent damage, but still hard enough to stand up to regular use.
Seal Into Place
For driving seals into place, use the flat side of the tool which closest matches the outer diameter of your seal.
Apply a little grease; and drive it into the hub using the same technique as with the bearing race.
Extra Hints
To make your job even easier, the collars in the race driver kit can be used with the SCA 6000 Kilogram Shop Press, allowing you precise control when installing bearing races and seals.
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