How To Remove a Harmonic Balancer
A bad harmonic balancer on your vehicle can cause excessive vibration in the motor – leading to unusual noises, leaking oil seals - or eventually even early engine failure.
While changing a harmonic balancer is no 5 minute job, removing the old balancer is easy with the ToolPro Harmonic Balancer Puller.
Here's how it's done:
NOTE: This guide is suitable for most Harmonic Balancers
Remove Necessary Components
Start by removing any belts connecting the harmonic balancer to engine accessories such as the fan, alternator, or power steering.
These may be removed by loosening the tensioner for each belt often built onto the alternator or power steering pump.
If your vehicle has a two piece pulley and harmonic balancer, remove the bolts retaining the pulley and separate the two.
Remove Lage Retainer Bolt & Ensure Washers In Place
Now remove the large retaining bolt from the harmonic balancer using a large breaker bar or rattle gun.
Ensure that the washer remains in place, and if possible do not loosen the washer.
Locate the "Ducks Foot"
The main piece of the puller is commonly known as the "Ducks Foot".
It has a flat side, and a slightly curved side.
The flat side of the "Ducks Foot" faces towards the engine
Thread the Bolt Through the "Ducks Foot"
Thread the large bolt through the centre of the "Ducks Foot", and clip the cone shaped piece onto the end.
Now select the correctly sized bolts to suit the threads on your harmonic balancer, and insert these through the "Ducks Foot".
The slotted holes in the "Ducks Foot" allow it to work with most harmonic balancers.
Thread to the Correct Depth
Thread the bolts into the harmonic balancer.
Ensure that the bolts are threaded to the same depth to prevent the balancer being pulled on an angle.
Now all that’s left to do is to crank the centre bolt up with a 17-millimetre socket – and watch to ensure that the balancer is pulled evenly.
Ready to Install New Harmonic Balancer
As it nears the end of the crankshaft, support the balancer with one hand. It should almost fall off with a little encouragement.
That's it! Now you are ready to install a new harmonic balancer.
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