How To Use Snatch Straps Safely
Whether you've done it a few times or just new to the game, the Snatch Strap can be one of your most valuable recovery tools. But they are dangerous to use if not done right.
Here's a great guide to using your snatch strap safely by Mad Matt so you can do it like a pro.
Assess the Situation
How can this vehicle be safely extracted from the bog?
Will it be pulled forward or backward?
What safe and rated recovery points can be used on each vehicle?
And which snatch strap will be used?

Extra Step for Safety
Add an equaliser strap if the vehicle is seriously bogged, this will spread the load between two recovery points.
Your chosen snatch strap should be rated 2 to 3 times the weight of the lightest vehicle in the recovery.
Run the equaliser strap through the looped end of your snatch strap, or if you’re not using an equaliser strap; connect the snatch strap to the vehicle using a rated bow shackle.

Air Damper Everytime
Remove any twists from the snatch strap as you walk it to the recovery vehicle, and fit an air damper to the middle of the strap as you go.
Fill the air damper with sand or soil to increase its mass and therefor effectiveness in arresting any broken straps.

Connecting Straps
Connect the snatch strap to the second vehicle, leaving around one third to half of the strap loose to allow the recovery vehicle to build momentum.
Momentum will allow the snatch strap to stretch approximately 20%, and the sudden release of this stored kinetic energy will slingshot the vehicle from the bog.

Safety & Recovery Zone
Clear all occupants from the vehicles involved, and move all bystanders away from the recovery, allowing two times the length of the straps as a recovery zone.
Establish communication between vehicles via radio with “stop” and “go” as signals, or even using hand signals.
**Ensure all bystanders are well clear of the recovery zone.

The Recovery
Put the recovery vehicle in gear, one gear higher than the bogged vehicle, and commence the snatch recovery according to the agreed signals.
If the snatch recovery is unsuccessful after 3 attempts, it is generally advisable to seek a different recovery method.

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